
Facts about Cladocerans

Cladocerans are also known as water fleas.  They are crustaceans in the Class Branchiopoda and Order Cladocera.  All but a few of the 400 species live in freshwater.  Cladocerans are distinctive looking with a large unpaired eye in a foreward facing head on…
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Human Genetic Mutation – Yes

To simply sum it up, why not? With the current acceleration of development of technology, we may very well be able to activate a series of microbots that physically alter our characteristics on command. That could be one solution, however, one…
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Earthworms in the rain: What are they doing slithering along the sidewalks, driveways and through the grass? The “conventional wisdom” always told us that all those earthworms came up out of the ground during heavy rains so that they would…
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What are Phoronids

The higher multicellular animal world can be divided into two major groups by their embryological development. The majority are protostomes in which the blastopore in the original ball of cells, the blastula, becomes the mouth of the developing organism. The…
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Dangerous South American Snakes

South America has a vast animal wildlife population. Tourists find the wild primate population fascinating especially along food market strips. Monkey’s beg for food and when food is withheld, stealing is an accepted alternative. Either way it is all quite…
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