
Arachnids House Spiders

The common house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) is probably the most common spider in the world, and due to its love of hiding in human dwellings, is the most encountered by people as well. Although many millions of people are scared…
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What are Metazoans

Metazoa are multicelled animals with three layers of cells. Why multicelled animals evolved is succinctly stated by Meglitsch (1972, p 78): “The highly plastic and successful protozoan organisational plan imposed but one serious limitation – that of size. An undivided…
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Flowers Anatomy

Flowers come in many different shapes, sizes and colours, from huge flowers like hibiscus to the tiny flowersof gentiana. Many are scented, otrhers have no scent. Some are a brightly colored whilst others are duller. Whatever their size or form, all flowers are for one…
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How do Penguins Stay Warm

Penguins spend their entire lives living on the world’s coldest continent and swimming in the coldest waters on the planet. How do the penguins do this without freezing? Here are a few of the methods that a penguin uses to…
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Life of a Butterfly

Butterflies, in the order  Lepidoptera, are some of the most amazing and fascinating creature to young and old alike.  They are small bits of bright color that brighten up the world by fluttering around from flower to flower, drifting on…
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Argentine Ants

Argengine ants are one of many different varieties of those pesky little insects that insist on living in our homes and yards.   Originally from South American countries like Northern Argentina, Paraguay, Southern Brazil, Argentine ants are an invasive species…
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