Blue Waffle Disease – Is it an STD or an Infection in Women? (With Pictures)

Lately, images of a blue-colored vagina are circulating around the Internet. Some people are saying that this discoloration is due to a medical condition known as the blue waffle(s) disease. What exactly is this disease, how does one get it, and how can you prevent it?


Blue waffle disease is a vaginal infection caused that result in a bluish discoloration of a woman’s sex organ. The common causative agents are microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast (fungi).

As a sexually transmitted disease (STD), women can pass the infection to their partner through intercourse. However, unlike other STDs, women are the only carrier of blue waffles.

What are Causes:

  • Microbial Imbalance

All people have microorganisms living in their body. Some microorganisms are harmful, while others can help protect your health.

The good bacteria residing in a woman’s vagina are the Lactobacillus species. When the population of the beneficial microorganisms decreases, it may result in an overgrowth of harmful microorganisms leading to an infection.

  • Improper Hygiene

Even though there are a number of good bacteria in the genital area, several disease-causing microorganisms can still invade and infect the vagina because of unsanitary habits, especially after having intercourse.

  • Using Contaminated Sex Toys

One way to add some fun to your sexual adventures is to use sex toys. However, using contaminated toys can also lead to an infection. Microorganisms can thrive in your toys, especially if you do not clean these objects properly.

  • Oral Sex

Another method to pass or transfer a microorganism from one person to another is through oral sex. An example for this is the yeast Candida albicans. If you perform an oral sex, the fungus can enter your mouth. Likewise, once in your mouth, it can also be transferred to your partner’s sex organ.

  • Having Sex with Multiple Partners

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the common cause of a vaginal infection. If you have two or more sexual partners, you are not 100% sure that all of them are clean and free of any STDs.

In addition, symptoms will not appear in some STDs such as human papillomavirus (HPV), trichomoniasis, and Chlamydia. Your partner may have these medical conditions and transfer it to you unknowingly.

  • New Soaps, Cleansers, and Sprays

An allergic reaction to a new vaginal cleanser or spray can result in the inflammation of the lining of the vagina. Thus, before using products, you have to test it first on a small portion of your skin and wait for any adverse effects.

Symptoms of Blue Waffles:

The symptoms are almost the same as other vaginal infections, which includes the following:

  • The presence of dark reddish spots or bumps on the labia
  • The vagina has a bluish color
  • Occasional vaginal bleeding
  • Severe irritation in the genital area
  • The vagina discharges a grayish white substance with a rotten fish odor
  • A burning sensation and intense pain during sex or while urinating
  • Swelling and itchiness around the vagina
  • Limited movement below the hips

Home Remedies to Avoid Blue Waffles

  • Eating Healthy Foods

To protect your body against disease-causing microorganisms, you should strengthen your immune system by having a healthy diet. Remember, a healthy diet is not about the amount of food you eat. Consuming different products rich in various essential nutrients is the core of a healthy and balanced meal.

You can also add fermented or probiotic foods in your diet. These products contain beneficial microorganisms that can help protect your body against infections.

  • Having a Good Amount of Sleep

Sleep is vital to ensure that your organs are functioning efficiently. Health care practitioners recommend that a person must get at least 8 hours of sleep. This will help build a strong immune system that can ward off any harmful microorganisms.

  • Proper Hygiene

Harmful microorganism will thrive in a moist and unsanitary environment. Thus, proper hygiene is a vital preventive measure for any infections. Cleaning yourself and changing your underwear regularly will reduce your risk of acquiring this disease. In addition, you should always keep your genital area dry.

Aside from that, you should also avoid excessive washing to ensure microbial balance. It is also best to avoid douching or cleaning the internal part of your vagina, especially without your doctor’s consent. Douching can increase the moisture and kill the good bacteria in your genital area.

  • Use Hygienic Products

When buying vaginal cleansers, you should opt for mild products that have lactic acid. This acid can help prevent the overgrowth of harmful microorganisms and maintain the acidic pH of the vagina.

  • Practice Safe Sex

Using condoms is necessary to avoid getting STDs. However, some microorganisms are able to pass through a condom, especially when it has a hole. Furthermore, one can also get an infection by using contaminated toys, having sex in a dirty environment, and not cleaning their genital area before and after intercourse. For these reasons, getting regular check-ups will ensure that a person is free from any infections.

  • Wear Loose Undergarments

Wearing loose undergarments may seem uncomfortable for some people. However, it can ensure that your genital area is dry, especially during a hot weather. Remember, the air can circulate properly, and your sweat will evaporate faster if you are wearing loose and comfortable underwear.

  • Applying Powder

During a hot weather, most people will sweat excessively. Microorganisms are able to grow and reproduce in body areas where the accumulation of sweat occurs such as the armpits and genital area. A method that can keep your genital area dry during a hot weather is to apply powder.

  • Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent vaginal infections. You can use this natural product by adding a few drops of oil in a bathtub filled with water and enjoy your bathe for about 20 minutes.

Debating: Is it a Hoax?

  • As of today, health experts are unable to find a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause a bright blue discoloration of the vagina. A sexual assault can lead to bruising, which may give the skin a dark blue color. However, sexual assault is different from an infection or STD. In the images (on internet), the bluish color of the vagina is probably due to gentian violet, a treatment used for yeast infection.
  • The blue waffle symptoms are the same as other kinds of STDs. For example, the presence of lesions and sores are also observed in patients with herpes. Women with lichen simplex have a dark bluish discoloration of the vulva. However, unlike other STIs, the carriers of this disease are women with poor hygiene. Thus, this condition is a myth because all STDs can affect both males and females, and they can pass the disease through sex.