An Overview of the Nature and use of Meaningful Coincidences Synchronicities

These Amazing Events are Neither Random Events nor are they God’H Miracles

An Example:

You feel nostalgic and instantly pops into mind an old flame from high-school days 20 years ago. The phone rings. Guess who is on the other end of the line? You are amazed by the co-incidence of your memory of your old flame separated in time 20 years ago and the sound of this same old flame twenty years later. How uncanny you marvel as you scratch your head.

What follows is some of the core reasons why I think it worth your while to note and then to ponder their nature, use, origin, questions raised, and many important implications as a serious concern for them inevitable will stretch your boundaries and – your life.

A Range of Reactions:

People differ in their reactions to these awe inspiring events. Many simply bathe in the awe associated with the  of mystery. Others use the mystery as a jumping off point to understand the origin and use of these challenging anomalies.

Jung’s Seminal Theory:

Jung, who named meaningful coincidences synchronicities, has been the largely unquestioned authority as to the nature of and use of synchronicities for the last 54 years. His theory is partly psychological and more partly mystical/magical transpersonal/ and supernatural. Jung’s theory directly challenges Freud’s bed rock assumption that behavior can be understood as obeying laws of linear causality. Jung believes that these anomalies are incapable of being explained using the principle of linear conventional causality. In the place of conventional causality Jung substituted his principle of a -casuality making way for his supernatural theory of synchronicities.

Is Jung Right?

Synchronicities are associated with significant psychological change – transformation, transcendence and expansion of consciousness [seeming to occur in sudden, unexpected, dramatically profound ways.] In this connection they are focused on the whole self both in terms of being and becoming. They are also associated with primary motivation: trust, hope, faith, persistence, intentionality, and persistence.

· They are experienced as if they are coded messages from some transcendent realm of spirituality – many people feel they are being guided and encouraged to follow the road they are on. The direction however is relatively vague. It is assumed the world is spiritualized. Thus a serious investigation of synchronicities forces the investigator to come to terms with such interesting but largely unexplained experiences on which they are travelling,  including the role of of chance, serendipity, epiphanies, karma, destiny, in shaping individual lives. Associated with such phenomena as the esoteric occult, psi, serendipity, metanoia, consciousness expansion, new age concepts, significant psychological change, epiphanies, and the like.

The Importance of Synchronicities:

·These anomalous events are Intellectually challenging and emotionally powerful as they appear to defy conventional notions of causality, time, and meaning.Thus synchronicities may be viewed as being on the cutting edge of the so called new paradigm. Tart and others indicate there is a significant difference between science and scientism. Scientism adds the dimension of consciousness – thus reality is viewed as largely a construction or co creation. Thus synchronicities focus on the increasing interest on combining science and spirituality.

My Fifty Year Investigation of the Nature and Use of Meaningful Coincidences (Synchronicities):

The result of my 50 year investigation of these anomalous events indicates that contrary to Jung’s mystical/magical transpersonal/ supernatural theory sycnchronicities are able to be scientifically researched.  This is so because (1) All synchronicites are different but they all have a common structure. There are two halves – a subjective state A (internal reality) and a parallel objective event A’ (external reality) linked together by a felt sense of (1) an equivalence of meaning and (2) a temporal connection of simultaneity. Since A does not seem to actually cause A’ Jung rejected conventional cause and effect Jung eliminated linear causality as an explanatory principle and replaced it with his odd notion of the principle of synchronicity known as a principle of a causality. (2) Like dreams they may be fitted into the continuum of an individual’s flow of experience and interpreted like waking dreams.

That meaningful coincidences appear to be coded messages most people would agree. However when questions are raised such as from what source do they come, who or what is doing the sending, what is the purpose of the messages, how are they to be decoded, and the likes the who issue of these perplexing events makes one feel as if they have become instant detectives searching for clues to unlock the many mysteries associated with this fascinating topic.

My conclusion is that these wondrous experiences are neither random nor are they divinely inspired. They arise out of knowable conditions are are able to be scientifically understood.