An Overview about the Chemical Element Tungsten

Tungsten is a grayish white metal discovered in 1758 and derived from the Swedish word meaning “heavy stone”. In 1753 a couple of Spanish chemists seperated Tungsten from Wolframite. At 6,292 F, it has the highest melting point of all metals. Its symbol is W (Wolframite, from which it is derived) and its atomic weight is 183.84. Its dust is considered to be a fire hazard. Glass, ceramic, and dye producers use tungsten as a pigment and coloring compound. Chemical producers use Tungsten as a catalyst.

According to “By providing an energetically favourable pathway, catalysts accelerate reactions which would normally be too slow or would not even take place. After the reaction, the catalyst remains essentially unchanged.”

Therefore, removing nitrogen oxides or rust from glass stacks in a power plant becomes easier and the byproduct is harmless nitrogen and water vapor.

Tungsten oxides is used for bright yellow glazes.

According to the website, “Tungsten is mixed with carbon to make a very strong, very resistant material called tungsten carbide. Tungsten carbide is used to make cutting tools and wear-resistant tools for metalworking, drilling for oil and gas, mining, and construction. These applications account for more than 60% of the tungsten consumed in the US each year.”

Tungsten is found in the human body and how much can be reasoned ppb weight, mg by 1000 kg. Interestingly, 75% of the world’s Tungsten is produced in China. However, Russia also has large reserves of the unusually strong metal. China also produces ammunition made from tungsten. Bullets, to be specific and there supposedly is a deal in the offing for China to produce ammo for the United States military and possibly SWAT teams.

Tungsten is important thusly:

useful for glass-to-metal seals since the thermal expansion is about the same as borosilicate glass
tungsten and its alloys are used extensively for filaments for electric lamps, electron and television tubes, and for metal evaporation work
electrical contact points for car distributors
X-ray targets
windings and heating elements for electrical furnaces
missile and high-temperature applications
high-speed tool steels and many other alloys contain tungsten
the carbide is important to the metal-working, mining, and petroleum industries
calcium and magnesium tungstates are widely used in fluorescent lighting
tungsten salts are used in the chemical and tanning industries
tungsten disulphide is a dry, high-temperature lubricant, stable to 500C
tungsten bronzes and other tungsten compounds are used in paints
TV tubes (electron tubes)
X-ray targets

Obviously Tungsten is invaluable to industry and military needs within the United States. Unfortunately, it is China who can best produce this incredibly strong and melt resistant metal.

Torrey Hills Technology LLC, located in San Diego and sited at supplies plates, sheets, rods and strips made of tungsten.
