A look at Efforts to Save Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are special living things which have their origin around 500 million years ago. Can we call them ecological, natural treasures? Coral reefs around the world are becoming endangered species. Conservation efforts are being carried out in various parts around the world.

There are two kinds of coral reefs. One is called Hermatype, which builds the hard skeleton reef in the ocean floor. Another kind is Ahermatype which includes both hard and soft coral and it does not build reefs.

Corals thrive on shallow sunlit, clear salt water. It needs the right temperature of 79- 81 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature rise above 82 degrees Fahrenheit it can affect the growth of coral reef negatively. Global warming and rising ocean level can hurt coral reef formation.

The Great Barrier Reef has been declared as world heritage sight in 1981. The Great Barrier Reef is the only living creature which can be seen from the outer space. It is the great habitat for 800 species of fishes, 6 species of sea turtle, sea snakes, whales and bottle nosed dolphins. Australian government is implementing various conservation measures like declaring no fishing zone. They are also educating and reaching out fishermen regarding the consequences of excess fishing. Some of those restricted areas of Great Barrier Reef’s endangered species are coming back slowly. By continuing its ongoing conservation efforts, the Australian government is becoming a positive role model for other governments and regions around the world regarding coral reef preservation.

In USA Hawaiian government has set up a conservation program to preserve coral reefs following the model of Australian great Barrier reef conservation program.

As a global citizen, individual effort can go a long way to save and conserve the coral reefs around the world. Knowledge is power. Educating school children about coral reefs can be a good idea. Educational films and virtual tour of coral reefs around the world through educational websites are fun and exciting ways to explore coral reefs.

Ahus Island, Papa New Guinea followed their generation old practice of prohibiting fishing in six location so f their reef lagoon. their culture don’t allow fishing by spears or net. They do line fishing only. This positive action led to increased biomass and individual fish sizes.

Marine Protected areas are becoming common in many countries. They ban harming fishing methods. They act like national parks, wild life habitat. Their aim is protect and preserve coral reefs , restoration of coral reefs. They encourage responsible fishery management and marine habitat protection.

In many parts of the world fishermen use cyanide, dynamite to stunt and catch fish. These methods are harmful to coral formation. It destroys coral reefs. By preventing the usage of these harmful chemicals by reaching out to fishermen is worth the effort. By saving the coral reef, many marine species can be saved. Tourism can bring another alternative form of occupation for people around the coral reef regions. When coral loses its own form of algae, it loses its color and becomes white. This problem is known as bleaching. To have a healthy exposure for coral reefs, on-going conservation efforts, by individuals and government around the world are being needed. By preserving the the coral reefs around the world, we can say it’s a wonderful world after all!